##Adobe File Version: 1.000 #======================================================================= # FTP file name: HEBREW.TXT # # Contents: Map (external version) from Mac OS Hebrew # character set to Unicode 2.1 # # Copyright: (c) 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights # reserved. # # Contact: charsets@apple.com # # Changes: # # b02 1999-Sep-22 Update contact e-mail address. Matches # internal utom, ufrm, and Text # Encoding Converter version 1.5. # n03 1998-Feb-05 Show required Unicode character # directionality in a different way. Update # mappings for 0xC0 and 0xDE to use # transcoding hints; matches internal utom, # ufrm, and Text Encoding Converter # version 1.3. Rewrite header comments. # n01 1995-Nov-15 First version. Matches internal ufrm. # # Standard header: # ---------------- # # Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple # Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. # Unicode is a trademark of Unicode Inc. For the sake of brevity, # throughout this document, "Macintosh" can be used to refer to # Macintosh computers and "Unicode" can be used to refer to the # Unicode standard. # # Apple makes no warranty or representation, either express or # implied, with respect to these tables, their quality, accuracy, or # fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Apple be liable # for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages # resulting from any defect or inaccuracy in this document or the # accompanying tables. # # These mapping tables and character lists are subject to change. # The latest tables should be available from the following: # # # # # For general information about Mac OS encodings and these mapping # tables, see the file "README.TXT". # # Format: # ------- # # Three tab-separated columns; # '#' begins a comment which continues to the end of the line. # Column #1 is the Mac OS Hebrew code (in hex as 0xNN). # Column #2 is the corresponding Unicode or Unicode sequence (in # hex as 0xNNNN, 0xNNNN+0xNNNN, etc.). Sequences of up to 5 # Unicode characters are used here. A single Unicode character # may be preceded by a tag indicating required directionality # (i.e. +0xNNNN or +0xNNNN). # Column #3 is a comment containing the Unicode name. # # The entries are in Mac OS Hebrew code order. # # Some of these mappings require the use of corporate characters. # See the file "CORPCHAR.TXT" and notes below. # # Control character mappings are not shown in this table, following # the conventions of the standard UTC mapping tables. However, the # Mac OS Roman character set uses the standard control characters at # 0x00-0x1F and 0x7F. # # Notes on Mac OS Hebrew: # ----------------------- # # 1. General # # The Mac OS Hebrew character set supports the Hebrew and Yiddish # languages. It incorporates the Hebrew letter repertoire of # ISO 8859-8, and uses the same code points for them, 0xE0-0xFA. # It also incorporates the ASCII character set. In addition, the # Mac OS Hebrew character set includes the following: # # - Hebrew points (nikud marks) at 0xC6, 0xCB-0xCF and 0xD8-0xDF. # These are non-spacing combining marks. Note that the RAFE point # at 0xD8 is not displayed correctly in some fonts, and cannot be # typed using the keyboard layouts in the current Hebrew localized # systems. Also note: The character given in Unicode as QAMATS # (U+05B8) actually refers to two different sounds, depending on # context. For example, when ALEF is followed by QAMATS, the QAMATS # can actually refer to two different sounds depending on the # following letters. The Mac OS Hebrew character set separately # encodes these two sounds for the same graphic shape, as "qamats" # (0xCB) and "qamats qatan" (0xDE). The "qamats" character is more # common, so it is mapped to the Unicode QAMATS; "qamats qatan" can # only be used with a limited number of characters, and it is # mapped using a corporate-zone variant tag (see below). # # - Various Hebrew ligatures at 0x81, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xD6, and # 0xD7. Also note that the Yiddish YOD YOD PATAH ligature at 0x81 # is missing in some fonts. # # - The NEW SHEQEL SIGN at 0xA6. # # - Latin characters with diacritics at 0x80 and 0x82-0x9F. However, # most of these cannot be typed using the keyboard layouts in the # Hebrew localized systems. # # - Right-left versions of certain ASCII punctuation, symbols and # digits: 0xA0-0xA5, 0xA7-0xBF, 0xFB-0xFF. See below. # # - Miscellaneous additional punctuation at 0xC1, 0xC9, 0xCA, and # 0xD0-0xD5. There is a variant of the Hebrew encoding in which # the LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK at 0xD4 is replaced by FIGURE # SPACE. The glyphs for some of the other punctuation characters # are missing in some fonts. # # - Four obsolete characters at 0xC2-0xC5 known as canorals (not to # be confused with cantillation marks!). These were used for # manual positioning of nikud marks before System 7.1 (at which # point nikud positioning became automatic with WorldScript.). # # 2. Directional characters and roundtrip fidelity # # The Mac OS Hebrew character set was developed around 1987. At that # time the bidirectional line line layout algorithm used in the Mac OS # Hebrew system was fairly simple; it used only a few direction # classes (instead of the 13 or so now used in the Unicode # bidirectional algorithm). In order to permit users to handle some # tricky layout problems, certain punctuation, symbol, and digit # characters have duplicate code points, one with a left-right # direction attribute and the other with a right-left direction # attribute. # # For example, plus sign is encoded at 0x2B with a left-right # attribute, and at 0xAB with a right-left attribute. However, there # is only one PLUS SIGN character in Unicode. This leads to some # interesting problems when mapping between Mac OS Hebrew and Unicode; # see below. # # A related problem is that even when a particular character is # encoded only once in Mac OS Hebrew, it may have a different # direction attribute than the corresponding Unicode character. # # For example, the Mac OS Hebrew character at 0xC9 is HORIZONTAL # ELLIPSIS with strong right-left direction. However, the Unicode # character HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS has direction class neutral. # # 3. Font variants # # The table in this file gives the Unicode mappings for the standard # Mac OS Hebrew encoding. This encoding is supported by many of the # Apple fonts (including all of the fonts in the Hebrew Language Kit), # and is the encoding supported by the text processing utilities. # However, some TrueType fonts provided with the localized Hebrew # system implement a slightly different encoding; the difference is # only in one code point, 0xD4. For the standard variant, this is: # 0xD4 -> +0x2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, right-left # # The TrueType variant is used by the following TrueType fonts from # the localized system: Caesarea, Carmel Book, Gilboa, Ramat Sharon, # and Sinai Book. For these, 0xD4 is as follows: # 0xD4 -> +0x2007 FIGURE SPACE, right-left # # Unicode mapping issues and notes: # --------------------------------- # # 1. Matching the direction of Mac OS Hebrew characters # # When Mac OS Hebrew encodes a character twice but with different # direction attributes for the two code points - as in the case of # plus sign mentioned above - we need a way to map both Mac OS Hebrew # code points to Unicode and back again without loss of information. # With the plus sign, for example, mapping one of the Mac OS Hebrew # characters to a code in the Unicode corporate use zone is # undesirable, since both of the plus sign characters are likely to # be used in text that is interchanged. # # The problem is solved with the use of direction override characters # and direction-dependent mappings. When mapping from Mac OS Hebrew # to Unicode, we use direction overrides as necessary to force the # direction of the resulting Unicode characters. # # The required direction is indicated by a direction tag in the # mappings. A tag of means the corresponding Unicode character # must have a strong left-right context, and a tag of indicates # a right-left context. # # For example, the mapping of 0x2B is given as +0x002B; the # mapping of 0xAB is given as +0x002B. If we map an isolated # instance of 0x2B to Unicode, it should be mapped as follows (LRO # indicates LEFT-RIGHT OVERRIDE, PDF indicates POP DIRECTION # FORMATTING): # # 0x2B -> 0x202D (LRO) + 0x002B (PLUS SIGN) + 0x202C (PDF) # # When mapping several characters in a row that require direction # forcing, the overrides need only be used at the beginning and end. # For example: # # 0x24 0x20 0x28 0x29 -> 0x202D 0x0024 0x0020 0x0028 0x0029 0x202C # # When mapping from Unicode to Mac OS Hebrew, the Unicode # bidirectional algorithm should be used to determine resolved # direction of the Unicode characters. The mapping from Unicode to # Mac OS Hebrew can then be disambiguated by the use of the resolved # direction: # # Unicode 0x002B -> Mac OS Hebrew 0x2B (if L) or 0xAB (if R) # # However, this also means the direction override characters should # be discarded when mapping from Unicode to Mac OS Hebrew (after # they have been used to determine resolved direction), since the # direction override information is carried by the code point itself. # # Even when direction overrides are not needed for roundtrip # fidelity, they are sometimes used when mapping Mac OS Hebrew # characters to Unicode in order to achieve similar text layout with # the resulting Unicode text. For example, the single Mac OS Hebrew # ellipsis character has direction class right-left,and there is no # left-right version. However, the Unicode HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS # character has direction class neutral (which means it may end up # with a resolved direction of left-right if surrounded by left-right # characters). When mapping the Mac OS Hebrew ellipsis to Unicode, it # is surrounded with a direction override to help preserve proper # text layout. The resolved direction is not needed or used when # mapping the Unicode HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS back to Mac OS Hebrew. # # 2. Use of corporate-zone Unicodes # # The goals in the mappings provided here are: # - Ensure roundtrip mapping from every character in the Mac OS # Hebrew character set to Unicode and back # - Use standard Unicode characters as much as possible, to # maximize interchangeability of the resulting Unicode text. # Whenever possible, avoid having content carried by private-use # characters. # # Some of the characters in the Mac OS Hebrew character set do not # correspond to distinct, single Unicode characters. To map these # and satisfy both goals above, we employ various strategies. # # a) If possible, use private use characters in combination with # standard Unicode characters to mark variants of the standard # Unicode character. # # Apple has defined a block of 32 corporate characters as "transcoding # hints." These are used in combination with standard Unicode characters # to force them to be treated in a special way for mapping to other # encodings; they have no other effect. Sixteen of these transcoding # hints are "grouping hints" - they indicate that the next 2-4 Unicode # characters should be treated as a single entity for transcoding. The # other sixteen transcoding hints are "variant tags" - they are like # combining characters, and can follow a standard Unicode (or a sequence # consisting of a base character and other combining characters) to # cause it to be treated in a special way for transcoding. These always # terminate a combining-character sequence. # # Two transcoding hints are used in this mapping table: a grouping hint # and a variant tag: # hint: # 0xF86A group next 2 characters, right-left directionality # 0xF87F variant tag # # In Mac OS Hebrew, 0xC0 is a ligature for lamed holam. This can also # be represented in Mac OS Hebrew as 0xEC+0xDD, using separate # characters for lamed and holam. The latter sequence is mapped to # Unicode as 0x05DC+0x05B9, i.e. as the sequence HEBREW LETTER LAMED + # HEBREW POINT HOLAM. We want to map the ligature 0xC0 using the same # standard Unicode characters, but for round-trip fidelity we need to # distinguish it from the mapping of the sequence 0xEC+0xDD. Thus for # 0xC0 we use a grouping hint, and map as follows: # # 0xC0 -> 0xF86A+0x05DC+0x05B9 # # The variant tag is used for "qamats qatan" to mark it as an alternate # for HEBREW POINT QAMATS, as follows: # # 0xDE -> 0x05B8+0xF87F # # b) Otherwise, use private use characters by themselves to map # characters in the TrueType variant of Mac OS Hebrew characters which # have no relationship to any standard Unicode character. # # The following additional corporate zone Unicode characters are used # for this purpose here (to map the obsolete "canorals", see above): # # 0xF89B Hebrew canoral 1 # 0xF89C Hebrew canoral 2 # 0xF89D Hebrew canoral 3 # 0xF89E Hebrew canoral 4 # # Details of mapping changes in each version: # ------------------------------------------- # # Changes from version n01 to version n03: # # - Change mapping for 0xC0 from single corporate character to # grouping hint plus standard Unicodes # # - Change mapping for 0xDE from single corporate character to # standard Unicode plus variant tag # ################## 0x20 +0x0020 # SPACE, left-right 0x21 +0x0021 # EXCLAMATION MARK, left-right 0x22 +0x0022 # QUOTATION MARK, left-right 0x23 +0x0023 # NUMBER SIGN, left-right 0x24 +0x0024 # DOLLAR SIGN, left-right 0x25 +0x0025 # PERCENT SIGN, left-right 0x26 0x0026 # AMPERSAND 0x27 +0x0027 # APOSTROPHE, left-right 0x28 +0x0028 # LEFT PARENTHESIS, left-right 0x29 +0x0029 # RIGHT PARENTHESIS, left-right 0x2A +0x002A # ASTERISK, left-right 0x2B +0x002B # PLUS SIGN, left-right 0x2C +0x002C # COMMA, left-right 0x2D +0x002D # HYPHEN-MINUS, left-right 0x2E +0x002E # FULL STOP, left-right 0x2F +0x002F # SOLIDUS, left-right 0x30 +0x0030 # DIGIT ZERO, left-right 0x31 +0x0031 # DIGIT ONE, left-right 0x32 +0x0032 # DIGIT TWO, left-right 0x33 +0x0033 # DIGIT THREE, left-right 0x34 +0x0034 # DIGIT FOUR, left-right 0x35 +0x0035 # DIGIT FIVE, left-right 0x36 +0x0036 # DIGIT SIX, left-right 0x37 +0x0037 # DIGIT SEVEN, left-right 0x38 +0x0038 # DIGIT EIGHT, left-right 0x39 +0x0039 # DIGIT NINE, left-right 0x3A +0x003A # COLON, left-right 0x3B +0x003B # SEMICOLON, left-right 0x3C +0x003C # LESS-THAN SIGN, left-right 0x3D +0x003D # EQUALS SIGN, left-right 0x3E +0x003E # GREATER-THAN SIGN, left-right 0x3F +0x003F # QUESTION MARK, left-right 0x40 0x0040 # COMMERCIAL AT 0x41 0x0041 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 0x42 0x0042 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B 0x43 0x0043 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C 0x44 0x0044 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D 0x45 0x0045 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E 0x46 0x0046 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F 0x47 0x0047 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G 0x48 0x0048 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H 0x49 0x0049 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I 0x4A 0x004A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J 0x4B 0x004B # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K 0x4C 0x004C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L 0x4D 0x004D # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M 0x4E 0x004E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N 0x4F 0x004F # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O 0x50 0x0050 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P 0x51 0x0051 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q 0x52 0x0052 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R 0x53 0x0053 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S 0x54 0x0054 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T 0x55 0x0055 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U 0x56 0x0056 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V 0x57 0x0057 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W 0x58 0x0058 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X 0x59 0x0059 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y 0x5A 0x005A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z 0x5B +0x005B # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET, left-right 0x5C 0x005C # REVERSE SOLIDUS 0x5D +0x005D # RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET, left-right 0x5E 0x005E # CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 0x5F 0x005F # LOW LINE 0x60 0x0060 # GRAVE ACCENT 0x61 0x0061 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A 0x62 0x0062 # LATIN SMALL LETTER B 0x63 0x0063 # LATIN SMALL LETTER C 0x64 0x0064 # LATIN SMALL LETTER D 0x65 0x0065 # LATIN SMALL LETTER E 0x66 0x0066 # LATIN SMALL LETTER F 0x67 0x0067 # LATIN SMALL LETTER G 0x68 0x0068 # LATIN SMALL LETTER H 0x69 0x0069 # LATIN SMALL LETTER I 0x6A 0x006A # LATIN SMALL LETTER J 0x6B 0x006B # LATIN SMALL LETTER K 0x6C 0x006C # LATIN SMALL LETTER L 0x6D 0x006D # LATIN SMALL LETTER M 0x6E 0x006E # LATIN SMALL LETTER N 0x6F 0x006F # LATIN SMALL LETTER O 0x70 0x0070 # LATIN SMALL LETTER P 0x71 0x0071 # LATIN SMALL LETTER Q 0x72 0x0072 # LATIN SMALL LETTER R 0x73 0x0073 # LATIN SMALL LETTER S 0x74 0x0074 # LATIN SMALL LETTER T 0x75 0x0075 # LATIN SMALL LETTER U 0x76 0x0076 # LATIN SMALL LETTER V 0x77 0x0077 # LATIN SMALL LETTER W 0x78 0x0078 # LATIN SMALL LETTER X 0x79 0x0079 # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y 0x7A 0x007A # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z 0x7B +0x007B # LEFT CURLY BRACKET, left-right 0x7C +0x007C # VERTICAL LINE, left-right 0x7D +0x007D # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET, left-right 0x7E 0x007E # TILDE # 0x80 0x00C4 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x81 0xFB1F # HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH YOD YOD PATAH 0x82 0x00C7 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x83 0x00C9 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x84 0x00D1 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x85 0x00D6 # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x86 0x00DC # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0x87 0x00E1 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE 0x88 0x00E0 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE 0x89 0x00E2 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x8A 0x00E4 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x8B 0x00E3 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE 0x8C 0x00E5 # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE 0x8D 0x00E7 # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x8E 0x00E9 # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x8F 0x00E8 # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE 0x90 0x00EA # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x91 0x00EB # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS 0x92 0x00ED # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE 0x93 0x00EC # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE 0x94 0x00EE # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x95 0x00EF # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS 0x96 0x00F1 # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x97 0x00F3 # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE 0x98 0x00F2 # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE 0x99 0x00F4 # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x9A 0x00F6 # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x9B 0x00F5 # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE 0x9C 0x00FA # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE 0x9D 0x00F9 # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE 0x9E 0x00FB # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x9F 0x00FC # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0xA0 +0x0020 # SPACE, right-left 0xA1 +0x0021 # EXCLAMATION MARK, right-left 0xA2 +0x0022 # QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xA3 +0x0023 # NUMBER SIGN, right-left 0xA4 +0x0024 # DOLLAR SIGN, right-left 0xA5 +0x0025 # PERCENT SIGN, right-left 0xA6 0x20AA # NEW SHEQEL SIGN 0xA7 +0x0027 # APOSTROPHE, right-left 0xA8 +0x0028 # LEFT PARENTHESIS, right-left 0xA9 +0x0029 # RIGHT PARENTHESIS, right-left 0xAA +0x002A # ASTERISK, right-left 0xAB +0x002B # PLUS SIGN, right-left 0xAC +0x002C # COMMA, right-left 0xAD +0x002D # HYPHEN-MINUS, right-left 0xAE +0x002E # FULL STOP, right-left 0xAF +0x002F # SOLIDUS, right-left 0xB0 +0x0030 # DIGIT ZERO, right-left 0xB1 +0x0031 # DIGIT ONE, right-left 0xB2 +0x0032 # DIGIT TWO, right-left 0xB3 +0x0033 # DIGIT THREE, right-left 0xB4 +0x0034 # DIGIT FOUR, right-left 0xB5 +0x0035 # DIGIT FIVE, right-left 0xB6 +0x0036 # DIGIT SIX, right-left 0xB7 +0x0037 # DIGIT SEVEN, right-left 0xB8 +0x0038 # DIGIT EIGHT, right-left 0xB9 +0x0039 # DIGIT NINE, right-left 0xBA +0x003A # COLON, right-left 0xBB +0x003B # SEMICOLON, right-left 0xBC +0x003C # LESS-THAN SIGN, right-left 0xBD +0x003D # EQUALS SIGN, right-left 0xBE +0x003E # GREATER-THAN SIGN, right-left 0xBF +0x003F # QUESTION MARK, right-left 0xC0 0xF86A+0x05DC+0x05B9 # Hebrew ligature lamed holam 0xC1 +0x201E # DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xC2 0xF89B # Hebrew canoral 1 0xC3 0xF89C # Hebrew canoral 2 0xC4 0xF89D # Hebrew canoral 3 0xC5 0xF89E # Hebrew canoral 4 0xC6 0x05BC # HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ 0xC7 0xFB4B # HEBREW LETTER VAV WITH HOLAM 0xC8 0xFB35 # HEBREW LETTER VAV WITH DAGESH 0xC9 +0x2026 # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, right-left 0xCA +0x00A0 # NO-BREAK SPACE, right-left 0xCB 0x05B8 # HEBREW POINT QAMATS 0xCC 0x05B7 # HEBREW POINT PATAH 0xCD 0x05B5 # HEBREW POINT TSERE 0xCE 0x05B6 # HEBREW POINT SEGOL 0xCF 0x05B4 # HEBREW POINT HIRIQ 0xD0 +0x2013 # EN DASH, right-left 0xD1 +0x2014 # EM DASH, right-left 0xD2 +0x201C # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xD3 +0x201D # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xD4 +0x2018 # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xD5 +0x2019 # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK, right-left 0xD6 0xFB2A # HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH SHIN DOT 0xD7 0xFB2B # HEBREW LETTER SHIN WITH SIN DOT 0xD8 0x05BF # HEBREW POINT RAFE 0xD9 0x05B0 # HEBREW POINT SHEVA 0xDA 0x05B2 # HEBREW POINT HATAF PATAH 0xDB 0x05B1 # HEBREW POINT HATAF SEGOL 0xDC 0x05BB # HEBREW POINT QUBUTS 0xDD 0x05B9 # HEBREW POINT HOLAM 0xDE 0x05B8+0xF87F # HEBREW POINT QAMATS, alternate form "qamats qatan" 0xDF 0x05B3 # HEBREW POINT HATAF QAMATS 0xE0 0x05D0 # HEBREW LETTER ALEF 0xE1 0x05D1 # HEBREW LETTER BET 0xE2 0x05D2 # HEBREW LETTER GIMEL 0xE3 0x05D3 # HEBREW LETTER DALET 0xE4 0x05D4 # HEBREW LETTER HE 0xE5 0x05D5 # HEBREW LETTER VAV 0xE6 0x05D6 # HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN 0xE7 0x05D7 # HEBREW LETTER HET 0xE8 0x05D8 # HEBREW LETTER TET 0xE9 0x05D9 # HEBREW LETTER YOD 0xEA 0x05DA # HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF 0xEB 0x05DB # HEBREW LETTER KAF 0xEC 0x05DC # HEBREW LETTER LAMED 0xED 0x05DD # HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM 0xEE 0x05DE # HEBREW LETTER MEM 0xEF 0x05DF # HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN 0xF0 0x05E0 # HEBREW LETTER NUN 0xF1 0x05E1 # HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH 0xF2 0x05E2 # HEBREW LETTER AYIN 0xF3 0x05E3 # HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE 0xF4 0x05E4 # HEBREW LETTER PE 0xF5 0x05E5 # HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI 0xF6 0x05E6 # HEBREW LETTER TSADI 0xF7 0x05E7 # HEBREW LETTER QOF 0xF8 0x05E8 # HEBREW LETTER RESH 0xF9 0x05E9 # HEBREW LETTER SHIN 0xFA 0x05EA # HEBREW LETTER TAV 0xFB +0x007D # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET, right-left 0xFC +0x005D # RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET, right-left 0xFD +0x007B # LEFT CURLY BRACKET, right-left 0xFE +0x005B # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET, right-left 0xFF +0x007C # VERTICAL LINE, right-left